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Identifying Students

A four-step process is used to identify talent pool (highly-capable) and gifted students in FFC8. A student may be referred for consideration by a parent/guardian, teacher, peer, previous district identification, self-referral, or assessment data. A student new to FFC8 who was previously identified gifted in another district/state will automatically be referred for the screening process. A body of evidence is collected for an identification process. Based on the student’s learning profile, an educational team, containing at least one member trained in gifted identification, will convene to analyze the data and determine the level of appropriate identification. If a parent/guardian, student, or teacher does not agree with the identification decision, he/she has the right to an appeal.

Screening Process

Step I—Referral

A student may be referred for the identification process by:

  • Parent/Guardian
  • Teacher
  • Assessment Results
  • Previous Gifted Identification
  • Self
  • Peer

Step II—Collection of Body of Evidence
An educational team consisting of the classroom teacher, school gifted coordinator, building administrator, and possible additional staff will collect and review a body of evidence for the referred student. This includes assessment results, class work, family input, teacher observations, performance evaluation, and/or portfolio review.  The identification committee will make a recommendation for identification.

Step III—Identification
The screening committee will recommend one of the following levels of identification:

Grade Level Learner:  Body of evidence suggests the student is performing successfully on current grade level standards.
Talent Pool (Highly-capable) Learner:  Evidence suggests the student demonstrates potential and/or ability above grade level standards. The student may require differentiated teaching strategies or curriculum to ensure academic growth.
Gifted Learner: Evidence strongly indicates the student demonstrates exceptional potential and/or ability. The body of evidence aligns to Colorado criteria for gifted identification in one or more areas and meets the criteria for portability. The student is identified as a gifted learner and an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) will be developed to ensure academic growth and achievement.

Step IV—Appeal Process
A parent/guardian, student, or teacher has the right to appeal the identification decision. To initiate an appeal process the appellant should contact the building principal and complete the necessary documentation.