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Trojan Arena Information

Landing Image

10725 Trojan Point, Fountain, CO 80817 - Directions to the Trojan Arena

  • No balloons, flowers, horns, noise makers allowed inside the arena during large events.

Trojan Arena WiFi & Accessibility Information

General guest WiFi: FFC8_Guest
Password: d8welcome

Hearing Assist System
The Sennheiser MobileConnect app is required to use the hearing assist system. You can download the free app prior to your arrival at the Arena.

At the Arena:

  1. Download the Sennheiser MobileConnect app if you have not already.
  2. Connect to the FFC8_Hearing_Assist WiFi network. This network does not provide internet access.
  3. Open the the Sennheiser MobileConnect app.
  4. Scan this QR (located in the graduation program) or scan it from a friend's phone.
This is a QR for the Mobile Assist Hearing at Trojan Arena


Language Translation

2024 Graduation live language translation can be accessed here:


Wheelchair Accessibility Information

Wheelchair accessible areas are located on the Arena floor and on the upper level for most events. An elevator is located at the north end of the building, next to the north stairs. From the main entrance, turn left/north, go past the concessions area and hallway.