Please see the grade-level list below for our 2024-2025 school supplies. View PDF Version
- 6 pkgs - 24 count crayons
- 1 hard plastic pencil box (8x5)
- 12 - #2 pencils
- 10 ct. classic color markers
- 1 pair scissors
- 10 glue sticks
- 1 set - water color paints
- 1 spiral notebook
- Backpack - please label inside & outside
- 1 pkg - paper plates
- 1 box - gallon zip-top/ re-closeable plastic bags
- 8 - dry erase markers (large)
- 2 heavy plastic pocket folders, please no binders SOLID COLORED ONLY
1st Grade
- 3 pks - crayons
- 8-12 glue sticks (NO SMELLY GLUE)
- 10-12 black dry erase markers
- 1 plastic folder (any color/design)
- 1 pair scissors
- 4 highlighters
- 24 - #2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
- 1 pencil box or bag
- 2 - pink erasers
2nd Grade
- 1 pk - highlighters (must have blue)
- 2-3 pkgs - crayons
- 12 count - washable markers
- 8 black dry erase markers
- 1 pair scissors
- 4 glue sticks (large)
- 2 larger erasers
- 1 pkg - pencil cap erasers
- 1 small plain pencil box
- 24 - #2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
- 1 plastic folder with 3 holes (NO PRONGS)
- colored pens
- 1 pkg - post-it notes
- 1 pkg - index cards (white or colored)
- 1 ream colored copy paper (bright colors)
3rd Grade
- 24 - #2 Pencils
- 2 pink erasers
- 2 pkgs - 24 count crayons
- 2 large glue sticks
- 2 black dry erase markers
- 4 highlighters (pink, yellow, blue & green)
- 2 plastic folders - NO PRONGS - (red & blue)
- 2 composition notebooks (yellow & blue)
- plastic pencil box
- 1 pair scissors - blunt tip
4th Grade
- 6 composition notebooks (wide ruled)
- 4 pks index cards
- 5 highlighters (yellow, pink, blue, green & purple)
- 10 black dry erase markers
- 12 glue sticks
- 1 box markers
- 1 box colored pencils
- 1 box crayons
- 1 pair scissors
- 1 pencil pouch/ pencil box
- 24 - #2 Pencils
- 4 erasers
- 2 plastic pocket folders (one green, one any color)
- 2 pks wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper
5th Grade
- 1 pk colored pencils
- 24 - #2 pencils
- 12 thick dry erase markers - BLACK ONLY
- 3 composition notebooks
- 150 lined index cards
- 1 sturdy plastic homework folder
- 1 supply box or pouch
Students may need to replenish personal supplies at midyear, please ask your child if they need supplies.