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Phil Itliong Named FFC8 2022-2023 Employee of the Year

Miranda Lopez
Phil Itliong holds up his Employee of the Year Award

Congratulations to Bus Driver Phil Itliong who was named the 2022-2023 District Employee of the Year during the FFC8 Welcome Back Breakfast on August 2. 

"It was an honor to be chosen and represent the Transportation Department. To all those who were nominated, you all are Employee of the Year in my book. It was an honor to stand side by side with each of you," said Itliong. 

Itliong has worked as a bus driver in the district since 2013. His inspiration to become a bus driver stemmed from positive encounters with a bus driver in his youth.

"He taught me a lot about what life is all about and how to be a better person," said Itliong.

What Itliong enjoys most about his job is interacting with the students. 

"I believe that bus drivers and monitors all play a role in students' education. We are the first faces they see in the morning. How we greet them will sometimes determine how their day will go," said Itliong. 

Itliong says the success in his role is a team effort. He credits his bus monitors, Mrs. Burt and Ms. Seals, and his wife, Josephine who is also a monitor in the district. 

"They made it easy for me to accomplish my mission to ensure our students get home safely. Working together as a team, I believe that we can accomplish our goals to set our students within the district on the right path to success," said Itliong. 


Staff cheer on Employee of the Year Phil Itliong