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Why District Effectiveness?

Why District Effectiveness?

District Effectiveness


The WHY – Purpose

District Effectiveness is a dynamic process to continuously improve and engage our community. Seeking the input of our stakeholders is essential to our district operations and school community. Seeking the input of our district operations and school communities. We have systematized improvement planning efforts to ensure stakeholder input is continuous. While fostering a philosophy of mutual respect and collegiality, the district will continue to push the boundaries of improvement and effectiveness. We believe that our collective improvement efforts must be implemented with a sense of urgency. Our students deserve no less.

The WHAT – Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

KPI – Learning and Achievement

KPI – Community Engagement

KPI – Operational Planning


The HOW – Action Plan

Learning and Achievement

Community Engagement

Operational Planning

D8 will support every student to achieve and grow to their fullest potential and to continue to ensure they have access to opportunities to meet their individual needs

·         Equitable and rigorous instructional practices and feedback that engage all learners

·         Systemic and strategic use of intervention

·         Essential Skill competency

D8 is committed to improving educational outcomes for all schools by fostering a sense of belonging, providing needed resources, and promoting a culture of collaboration with all stakeholders.

·         Family, student, school partnerships

·         Civic, community, business partnerships

·         Effective communications systems

·         Safe & secure learning environments

D8 is committed to operational excellence by ensuring the best learning environments and outcomes for students and outcomes for students and staff by ensuring:

·         Facilities planning

·         Fiscal accountability

·         Human resources leadership & management

·         Technology leadership and management


Theory of Action for Accountability